My 2 gorgeous grandsons are growing apple trees with my help – no pressure

Henry is 4 and asked me on our journey home from school (I’m mamar on Mondays ) if we could grow an apple tree.

After the initial pips sprouting they’re growing really fast.

I was quite impressed myself haha.

The absolute joy and pride they get from seeing them grow each week is amazing for us to watch too.

Henry is sharing his success at school and why shouldn’t he, its quite an achievement

Being proud of our successes big and small is something we should do more of as we’re often quick to be tough on ourselves aren’t we?

Share something youre proud of right now we’d love to hear it.

I’m proud of us Judith Hamilton we’re growing something that is going to make things so much easier for women starting their own business. We don’t want other people to go through some of the overwhelm and challenging days we went through on their own.

Having a place for support, learnings, building knowledge and growing your network is so valuable, and because we didn’t have it we created it!

I’ll keep you posted on the apple tree nurturing