Like most of us who provide a service we are in our happy place when we are helping others.

The key is of course that we need to let the people that we can help know we are here to do just that.

This is me doing that very thing because this program may have passed you by over the summer and we are now in the final days of filling the last few places before we start next week – yay now that really is the exciting bit.

Our 12-week Program is for women who’ve stepped out of the employed world and started their own business it’s starting w/c 16th Sep and Judith Hamilton and I are looking forward to everything that brings.

We know what it’s like trying to find the answers on your own, not knowing who to listen to and that feeling of overwhelm that stops you in your tracks.

When we did the research to put this together we heard loud and clear that it’s not just about learning it’s about doing, it’s about finding answers together and knowing you are not on your own – we’ve got you!

Having your own business is not a one size fits all, which is why the 1:1 time is hugely important.

So, we have included THREE 2:1’s in the program PLUS for this Beta round an additional TWO 2:1’s, which is FIVE in total – I know crazy right when you see the price!

In fact, our cohort for this beta program will have over the 12 weeks

9 Hours Live Group time (training and support time)
5 Hours 1:1 time (you’ll get us both so that’s 2:1 )

PLUS other extra bonuses for the Beta round

▶ Access to our Grow Her Business Community as a Premium Member for 12 weeks (which has 20 business trainings and 2 networking opportunities a month)

▶Access to Elaine’s Perfecting Your Discovery Call online training

▶Access to Judith’s online training on Excel

Being part of a Beta program also means you’ve got a voice and a say in how this evolves, not only are you going to learn from us but we are going to learn and listen to you too and what you need. you’re going to help us shape it further.

This is what you will walk away with after the 12 weeks with us…

▶ Identifying the business model that best suits you and your ideal clients.
▶Mapping out your ideal client and discovering where to find them.
▶Creating a plan to attract clients who truly value your work and expertise.
▶ Learn how to build a profitable network of contacts for long-term success.
▶Creating a pricing strategy that feels right for you and your clients.
▶Learn how to create your market strategies for promoting and selling your services.
▶A plan with clear priorities and actions to deliver your business growth.

And that’s not including all of the other lightbulb moments we know you will have on your journey with us.

The price for this Beta round (it will be at least £1000 more next time round without all the beta bonuses)

Is just ▶£1,500
(payment options available)

We get it, it’s a big decision to make, but there is a reason we don’t have a ‘click here’ to sign up button and that’s because we talk to everyone to find out if it’s right for you.

We’ve already got calls booked in this week for those final places, we won’t be taking more than 8 women and the final date for signing up is the 13th Sept, so it really is a case of which happens first.

To book a call in send an email to  but don’t leave it too late, our next course won’t be until January/February and it will be £1000 more.