We launched Grow Her Business – myself and the fabulous Judith Hamilton in January.

We wanted to create something that supported women in business who provide a service – why service based businesses not product?

Because we are both women in business who provide a service and that is where we know we can bring the greatest value and have huge amounts of knowledge to share.

When we start a business we are armed with our expertise, enthusiasm and passion for what we do and that is absolutely priceless.

What I personally didn’t take into account was all the different hats I’d be wearing – some I was really comfortable with others I wasn’t.

It’s a pretty extensive list isn’t it?

Creating a business plan
Getting clear on my ideal client (this took me way longer than I expected – but I’m Ok with that)
Planning my marketing to get in front of my ideal clients
Building my brand
Perfecting my discovery call (I created a 60 minute programme on this to help others perfect it)
Building my network
Creating packages and deciding how much to charge!

And the list goes on….

But I’ve learnt huge amounts, stepped out of my comfort zone on many occasions and even get called the techie one by my business partner Judith (I won’t be pursuing it as a career though haha)

Running our own business has without doubt a lot of positives too, including flexibility, being in control of our own destiny (although it doesn’t always feel that way ) making your own choices and feeling like you are making a difference to you and your clients and their world.

One of the main reasons we started our Grow Her Business Community was to make the journey a bit easier for others who are either starting their self employed journey or gone off their path.

Our community has 3 core elements…

The learning lounge that we share knowledge on many of those different hats we find ourselves wearing.
Networking every 2 weeks
Support & accountability every 2 weeks to get those projects over the line

Yesterday we added another option to join our Grow Her Business Community, because we believe in giving people choices.


You asked and we delivered our Networking Membership for just £10 a month with no long term tie in.

Two monthly networking sessions with like-minded women in business

Access to our Facebook Community

Opportunity to move up to our Premium package at any point

Access to members only offers

‘None of us have all the answers we just need to know who to ask’

Check us out on www.growherbusiness.com